Postcards from Kalos: Lumios City gym

It’s been a while since I posted here. I didn’t have my 3DS with me in Florida. Plus, I was waiting for my Pancham, Scraggy and Spoink to evolve before taking on the Power Plant arc and Araina’s overpowered Mighyena (level 38, my highest leveled ‘mon is 33).

In the end, it was one-shotted by Pangoro’s Vital Throw (as my Scraggy hasn’t evolved yet). Power restored, it’s off to explore the rest of Poke-Paris… and maybe – just maybe – get a gym badge too…

Photos: Camping it up

These pics were posted to my Facebook page on May 4, 2020. I never posted them here, so here they are… (I was hoping to SAVE bandwidth with these posts, but here I am uploading new stuff anyway).