Armchair Imagineering

Ice Age. Futurama, Archer and Rio

Theme Park Insider listed various properties from 20th Century Animation (formerly known as Blue Sky Entertainment) that Disney could theme rides/lands/restaurants around: Ice Age®, Futurama®, Archer® and Rio®. The theme park rights for How to Train Your Dragon® belong to Universal… but Ice Age® (which seems like a better fit for Universal Studios than Disney), and Rio® are presumably free as is their last suggestion of Rio® (which is often touted as a ride for their perpetually “in development” Brazil pavilion at Epcot).

Futurama could be a good overlay for the old Pixar Place area of DHS, but Archer doesn’t strike me as theme park material. But they aren’t the only IPs Disney now owns. For Instance, Robots (2005) would be a good fit in the colorfully quirky steampunk of MK’s Tomorrowland (replacing the criminally unfunny Monsters’ Inc. Laugh Floor), and Epic (2013) could replace the aging It’s Tough to be a Bug (which opened in 1998) at Animal Kingdom. Titan A.E (2000) would make a great theme park ride… but it’s not Star Wars or Avatar and it doesn’t quite fit the theme of Tomorrowland.

If it wasn’t fully owned by Universal, I’d suggest Road to El Dorado as a replacement for the equally aging Dinosaur: Countdown to Extinction (I would have said Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye at DL as a thematic tie-in with Tarzan’s Treehouse, but Indy is still a bankable franchise… Crystal Skull notwithstanding) – especially since they could probably keep the same track (ala Frozen Ever After).